Monday, October 09, 2006

North Korea tests the Nuke! .... And boy, does it shake the world!

2006 North Korean nuclear test
The field of scientific research in the DPRK successfully conducted an underground nuclear test under secure conditions on October 9, 2006, at a stirring time when all the people of the country are making a great leap forward in the building of a great, prosperous, powerful socialist nation. It has been confirmed that there was no such danger as radioactive emission in the course of the nuclear test as it was carried out under scientific consideration and careful calculation.
The nuclear test was conducted with indigenous wisdom and technology 100 percent. It marks a historic event as it greatly encouraged and pleased the KPA and people that have wished to have powerful self-reliant defense capability. It will contribute to defending the peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and in the area around it.
2006 North Korean nuclear test
- Statement issued by the Korean Central News Agency on October 9th, 2006, as North Korea conducted its 1st ever nuclear tests - an event which has shaken the world to its core and is giving sleepless nights to the champions of Nuclear non-proliferation.

Wasnt this imminent?? Absolutely - with the United States involved in clearing the mess in Iraq and so much focus on the Israel-Palestine issue and the alleged Irani involvment in the Lebanon crisis - North Korea had a free-run to taste the forbidden Apple of the 21st century - the Nuclear Weapon.

Now with Kim Il Jong armed with an arsenal of nukes that is not just on paper for propaganda, but very much there for potential use - the entire scenario has become a nightmare. Mess in Iraq & Middle-East, increasing Anti-Americanism, the rise of Fundamentalism within mainstream Islam, the Islam-West divide, the mess in Afghanistan, the fall-out with Iran & Iran's veiled threats to go nuclear and now .... to add to this pile of existence-threatening time-bombs, is an added threat of an arsenal of potent nukes in the hands of a pyschological wreck, a mad-man and a Schrezopheniac (namely Kim Jong Il)

Now what? Till now the mention of North Korea elicited cautious & weary responses - that was when the North threatened to test missile delivery systems & some threats of testing nukes. The West never took the threat to test nukes seriously and paid the price. Now, mention North Korea's name and u will get responses varying from anger to desparation to panic. The North will use this as a levaraging factor during its negotiations with the West. Already, South Korean mkts fell more than 3% as a knee-jerk reaction to the tests, to recover slightly - they were still down by 2.5%. Clearly, this aint good for business, politics and society.

And then ofcourse, the North may use arm-twisting tactics such as threats to make its technology available on the international illicit nuke-trade, which would be a great place for Osama and co to go shopping.

So, there we are. President Bush claimed a few months ago that the world is a SAFER place to live in. Thank you Mr. Bush for the most flimsy piece of propaganda that your Govt has dished out so far. In the light of the above enumerated problems and the absolute mismanagement of all concerned situations by your inept administration, only a moron like you cant see through such horse-shit. The world aint safer - its become a lot more dangerous. All on October 9th, 2006 .....

Some Links/References for More info on the Nuke-test:
Wiki's Page on North Korea's Oct 9th 2006 Test
Full Text of North Korean Announcement


Anonymous said...

Hmmm.. safety! Ha ha... whats that? You know i fear mosquitoes more than nukes nowadays ;)... just imagine West Korea sets up a mosquito culture plant and sends them towards East Korea.. Cheap war solutions :D... stupid people wasting money.. but i'm happy atleast they're making only nukes which serve more as a feed for propaganda and maybe a deterrent for some, politics for some and livelihood for some.
But whatever it is you should be happy they havent chosen more leathal ones. And if death be it be by a nuke - i tell you man its least painful, one blast and you dont feel anything ,all over in a second, even your cells wouldn't feel the pain of death- poor things i always worried that even if i die instantaneously my cells would still have to suffer the natural decay process. But look how technology is helping us. All thanks to Mr. King Kong Li the 'President' of Democratic republic of West Korea and other philanthophic noble leaders like him and his Uncle SAm.
SO i'm happy and Safe cos i was vaccinated in my child hood, the vaccine was apparently provided by the 'united' nations of the world. Bro i just got immunised as from birth ;)...

Life is fun, bindaas enjoy karo aur ghode bechkar so jao :D ...

Sunil Natraj said...

But, the issue still remains: Why must any given country have nukes, when others cant?

Anonymous said...

this actually shows that korea has a large sense of insecurity problem.

my question is - what big threat does korea face ?

in today's paper (HT) Mr. K Subrahmanyam says -
"the intention behind the tests is to acquire nuclear weapons as an insurance against US attempts to carry out regime change in North Korea through economic pressure"

this strategy, now used by korea was also somewhat used by pakistan when musharraf came to power.

"jong will now make south korea, japan and usa pay for his continuance as a dictator without any international intervention"

that does not make the world so unsafe as north is doing this just for the sake of its economical crisis. its a sort of a blackmail.

Directionless Wanderer said...

@Chinmay - I am afraid thats what George Bush and the rest of his gang were doing (and ARE doing) - saala ghode bechke so gaye the! :P .... and now see whats happened?? :o

@Sunil & Abhinav - I differ with u on the point that nuclear technology must be made a free-for-all. The politics of a country, its stability, its human-rights record and its support for jehadi/extremist/stalinist organizations must all be examined carefully before it is permitted to possess/import Nuclear technology and nukes.

When India became nuclear, the world had a field-day kickin our arse, but when the dust settled, it became clear that we are a secular democracy & for the most part, we have had a stable political leadership which has seldom indulged in communal/extremist politics. And so it was okay 4 us to go nuclear.

You only have to take a look at the Human-rights record in North Korea and the tyranny & paranoia of a man called "Kim Jong Il" - this guy is a madman, the worst of his kind. He is a retard - a man who aint caring nothing except himself. When a nation who is ruled by this guy with such absolute cruelty as this man goes nuclear - it aint for detterence only - its also for a real purpose and mebbe for a REAL usage.

And when I say Kim Jong is a madman - I mean it. I saw a documentary on NatGeo bout the Human-rights situation in North Korea and if u see it, then I think u will concur with me. This man doesnt deserve to enjoy 'ruling' his counry with such impunity, let alone have nukes.

Anonymous said...

Kim Jong Il = Mr. Bush "how is that for an equation?"

Anonymous said...

great post!!